Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Deeper Into This Madness" [2007] Part Two.

Chapter 2 (The Instabilities of Loss and Regrets/Mixed Signals/Decent into Absurdity)

By Andy Day


The signs are growing a lot clearer with each passing day.
I try to play it off as paranoia, but you can only hide for so long.
The battle inside of me is raging harder as I sort through my chaotic conscious.
I see the emptiness, the secret hatred.
It kills me slowly, like a group of cancerous cells.
I want to fix it, but am lacking the proper tools and instructions.
I can't help but notice the subtle hints dropping everywhere.
My head throbs, and after swallowing another 5 Excedrin, it pounds harder.
I just want to go back to the beginning.
But the remote is lost.

I'm lost, completely lost.
And the search team has given up.


 When it entered the room, the power went out and it was the only thing I could see.
I knew right there,
I was destined for it.
But as time took it's toll,
I feared for the repercussions.
The words seemed to stick like glue,
and the feelings grew like weeds.
Waited for what seemed like centuries,
and the light came back on.
The room resumed its activity,
the walls staring at everything ever so intently.
It was gone,
as was my sense of emotion.
Void of life,
and scared of death,
my body wandered the cold cave searching for answers.
The river contained yellow fish,
swimming in harmony.
The light was pouring from the exit,
or perhaps it was the entrance.
A glowing purple veil hung above the opening,
closing away the day light.
As I opened it,
I was surrounded by the purest of white light.
Everything flowed through me,
so fast I couldn't breathe.
The light faded into a gray glimmer,
and my eyes burned behind the lids.
I awoke face up on the bed,
the ambiance playing at just the right volume.
As I got up,
a tear streamed down my face.
I'm losing it,
or maybe I'm finding it all.


 What you never heard was me tell you that I love you.

But what is it worth?
My heart, my soul?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


 My insides are becoming twisted.
This seems to be a nightly event, something to set your watch by.
The thoughts grow stronger every waking evening.
And the fear sets in.
I sit up a night, getting no sleep.
Meditation is beginning to fail, taking me to the dark depths of my mind.
I look for answers, but the questions become more complicated.
I just need to go somewhere, away from all emotions and physical beings.
I need to see the picture, but it's not done being painted.
And the end result scares me, to a point where I cover my eyes.
There has to be a reasonable explanation.
But reason and logic are nowhere to be found.
With each time I close my eyes, praying that tomorrow will be okay.
But with each waking day, it grows worse.
I can't figure it out, can't understand why it's going on.
Is there a switch that's been activated?
Can I turn it off?
I'm on a quest to become emotionally numb.
But my emotions are to strong.
I see it in my dreams, the perfect world, the perfect life.
The only problem is, I have to wake up.
Tonight is just horrible, just like every night.
Why is it that the darkness brings about these thoughts?
Will I ever be comfortable again?


 I need someone to talk to,
My head is so everywhere, and I want out.
I want out of my fucking head, because it does this shit to me every waking moment.
I play out the scenarios in my head, and almost vomit.
I can't take it.
When the world you go into to escape turns it back on you, where do you go?
I'm loosing this war against myself.
Everything I do, everything I say, everything I feel is amounting to nothing.
It collects, builds, and hardens into this mountain I don't have the strength to climb.
It's as if I'm digging, knowing the deeper I go the less I will find.
My veins hurt with the thought.
My stomach is in a constant state of peril, reflecting my emotional state.
I try to hide it from you, try to play it cool, but my skin is tearing and the true person beneath is escaping.
I'm sorry for everything, and anything.
Can't I just live in my memories?
Stay dormant inside a scene already played out?
The only thing that deceives me worse is my dreams.


 Intriguing, how odd this world of shapes can seem to be at a time.
Walking through streets and hallways of busy buildings, I see everything.
I am a wallflower, a simple observer.
I state my observations of modern day civilization to those willing to listen.
But what I lack doing, is observing myself.
How do I function?
What are my kinks?
What I have come to notice is that, I'm in a constant state of waiting.
Waiting for you,
Waiting it out.
If only we could go to a place where just you and I could be.
Just be.
But when I hold my inviting hand out to venture to this place,
will you accept it, or turn your back and walk away?
I notice the colors, a lot.
I notice the shapes;
I wonder how they play into one another.
Maybe my observation of these current states of living has become obsession.
The sounds you make, they keep me up at night.
The back of my eyes hold your image.
And the funny thing is, your eyes are closed as well.
I let the music flow through me, taking me to this world.
A world of colors and sound, flowing into each other in perfect harmony.
My dreams turn to nightmares, and you are never there.
I wait it out,
I have to wait out.
Because if I don't wait,
Then what is the point of breathing?
One day, my dear, you will see this the way I want you to see it.
Blind to the hollow words,
Deaf to the shallow touch,
Motionless as I look into your eyes.
Can we start over, right now?
Because then we can un-complicate everything.
And live in an untangled web.
You'll be okay,
If you just wait it out with me here.
But your not here,
I hold my hand out now, reaching for you.
Will you accept it?
And venture forward with me into a world of unquestionable happiness?
Do you hear the words that pine to escape me?
Do you see the passion in my eyes?
Do you feel the motion of life, a portrait of you, flowing through my veins?
You don't even understand;
this is just a test.
Wait out with me,
Won't you?


Today was an emotional rollercoaster.
Everything just came at me with full force.
And I couldn't stand while it barreled through me.
What you didn't see, were the tears forming in the corners of my eyes as I saw you.
What you didn't feel was the embarrassment that I felt when I talked to you.
It took a lot for me to make it through today.
You backed away as I offered my hand.
Left me on the ledge.
What you didn't see was the 8 hours of consecutive sleep, followed by the tossing and turning from thoughts of the past.
What you didn't feel was the pain coursing through my veins as I clambered, ashamed, under the scolding hot water.
If you paid attention, you saw the emptiness in my eyes.
You heard the hollowness in my voice.
You saw the shell.
You smelled the fear.
But what you don't know is that I know everything.
The things that went on behind me.
I sensed it.
But I've been told I'm a strong person.
So I'm not asking for your forgiveness.
I'm not holding on to hopes and dreams.
I'm becoming emotionally numb.
So I can never be hurt again.
I'm going to wait it out, like I have.
The end hasn't even begun to play out yet.
So I'll sit in the back row, and I'll watch with patience as the actors play it out, scene by scene like I have so many times.
I'll walk back out into the rain.
And I'll go back to my world.
Where I can just be.
I know I'm weak.
You know I'm vulnerable.
And all I can do is go back to sleep.


What a revelation will do to one's mind.
I know that at this point I'm broken,
But the glue is just up the road.
A few more steps, and I'll be fixed.
It will take a while, my steps are growing heavier with each one I take.
The clock reads the same time, hours wasting away in front of me.
But it's okay, cause this lost time gives me so much more.
I'll take this for what it is.
And grow from it.
The rain will come soon, wash it all away.
The sun will rise soon, dry up the mistakes of yesterday.
The clouds will hide it all from the naked eye.
But look closer.
It's been there this whole time.
But when you close your eyes to it, you will never know it for what it is.
I can taste the future.
I can feel the past.
But I can't see the present.
One day you too will see it, see behind the clouds.
One day you too will fear the past.
One day you too will run from the future.
But never will you be able to see the present.
Your vision is just diluted right now.
So what you don't see will harm you.
And you'll see it when the skies clear, and the sun awakes from it's slumber.
Play the part well, for it may affect your career.
I'll sit and watch.
For our turn to get up on stage will be here before you can blink.
So practice your lines, study your moves.
The audience is very critical.
And we all know that you deserve a standing ovation for your outstanding performances.
My seat is warm in the back of the audience.
And I prepare my self for what's to come.
I anticipate the curtain rise.
Can you hear my claps, from all the way back here?
Can you see the roses for your début performance?
Because it was all just an act,
Am I right?


My anxiety is peaking.
My heart is pounding and I'm shaking.
Something has come over me, but I don't know what.
Could it be....No, It couldn't.
I've told myself it isn't.
But what if I'm lying to myself?
I don't know anymore.
I'm just loosing it.
Why do I always feel like this?
My head is spinning.
My stomach is in knots.
Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?
I just want to be okay again.
But was I ever okay?
The questions remain unanswered.
The looks are growing stronger.
It's like I'm back at square one again.
And the pieces I put together were wrong and there are new ones added to the mix.
So now I sit here, smoking a cigarette to calm my nerves,
And I think out loud to hear the sound of my trembling voice.
"One day Andy, the sun will shine down on you and only you for one moment lost in time, and then you will understand what it feels like to be happy".
I can't stand here any longer.
I can't listen to what the reflection in the mirrors tell me.
I can't understand the messages hidden in the words.
When will you come on stage?
When will the clouds part, revealing the sun?
When can I just not look back and know that it waits for me up ahead?
One day, the clouds will devour the sun, and I'll never see the light again.
I wait for the stars to show me the way.


The hills are becoming steeper as I climb to the top.
I just want to see the sun again.
Feel the warmth it provides me.
But I fall every step of the way.
I try to close myself off to the darkness surrounding me.
I feel my muscles clenching at the thought.
The stars have cracked open.
And I want to dance with you in their blood.
Just stay with with  me.
And I'll repair them so we can see the light again.
I waited for what seemed like years for this.
But when the stars start to die,
and the moon eats the sun,
Then we are left here in the dark, looking for a way out.
But the exit is on fire.
And we are trapped.
You haunt my conscious.
And wait in the back of my eyes to devour my soul as I blink.
Do you see the things that turn us around?
I think you are losing your vision,
Because what you needed to see was there in the beginning.
I wait in the shadows for a glimpse.
I stand in the darkness, wishing for the warmth.
Everything is gone.
Don't utter the phrase, don't even think it for it shall destroy you.
The funny thing is, is that it never existed.
People thought it up as a crutch, something to fall back on when they were sad.
You see it on Television to prompt ratings,
You hear it in music to boost sells,
But they all know it's a lie.
Yet I still stand here with your roses,
Ready for you to take your bow on stage.
Because we all saw how well you preformed up there, in the spotlight.
The acting was superb.
The delivery was outstanding.
Your one of the greatest actors alive, don't forget that.
You made your character come alive,
I almost didn't realize you were acting.
But did you ever for a second think that you had merged with your character?
Did you ever feel what they felt?
Did you hear the audience's applause?
Or was your head so big that it didn't even break the drum?
I try to forget about it.
I try to remember the play, the way it was acted out.
Stay with me here.
And take my hand this time.
But your eyes are closed with your hands over your ears.
Were you that anxious for the reviews that you just hid from it?
Go back to sleep.
Cause that is where you can hide.
Inside your dreams.
Hide from truth, pain, and love.
I just hope I don't wake up next time.
Cause the dreams were so real.
I almost forget they aren't reality.
I act is if they were.
After all, don't we all?
Teaching the mind to become an isolationist.
Teaching the heart to become a paraplegic.
Teaching the body to become a reflection.
Teaching the soul to become a corpse.
Go back to sleep


I wish I had your "strength"
The ability to be so disregarding, so reckless, so arrogant.
I wish I had your "outlook"
To be able to see things for what they aren't, to look at death in the face and walk away with out one hair raised, to live only to die.
I can't comprehend it.
Your logic, your reasoning, your mindset.
If you see someone drowning, why wouldn't you swim?
Maybe I'm the blind one in this situation.
Yes, I have evidence, but maybe there is more I don't see, or wish to see.
They don't care about you, like I do.
All I ever did, all I ever wanted, was to help.
But did I fail?
It's as clear to me now, that I did.
Isolate and save you from you from yourself.
But you don't realize you can't swim.
Or maybe I just can't save you.
The stench of failure rises from my skin.
The look of defeat lives in my hollow eyes.
Just let it heal.
Just let it manifest into something better.
Take what's given, and grow from it.
I wait in the darkness again.
I but it's time for me to go.
I just feel so catatonic.
You never met me half way, keeping everything for yourself as I starved and waited for something and anything.
You disappoint me.
And I disappointed you, warning you from the time we hit play.
And for you to destroy what I helped you build, this shield of safety.
Is just beyond me, and I'm beside myself.
You know how to make me wait, and worry.
That is the essence of all this, is I worry about you.
I want you to be okay, and when you’re okay, as will I.
I can't just stand around anymore, watching this selfish self destruction.
You know where my heart is, and it's not fair.
I made some mistakes, but I learned to patch them up.
I'm searching for the things to say.
The things that will let you see through my eyes.
But I fear you won't listen.
Seeing what your becoming is destroying me once again.
I still hear your words, lingering in my head.
And I wonder if they were lies.
I still taste it in my mouth, the words I never uttered.
It's a bitter and stale taste now.
The syllables stand dormant, waiting for a release.
But I will never say it.
Never become so vulnerable again.
Never become so insecure again.
Never trust the words that have deceived me so many times, ever again.
But the thing is, I know in my heart I would do it all over again, just to see the moon again and feel the sweet night air. To see the sun again, wrap my self in it's warmth.
I'm fading away, and you don't see.
One last extension of my hand is all I can offer now.


You are swimming in my veins.
Soaking up the plasma.
I am growing weak, and my skin is turning ever so pale.
I know your racing to my heart,
Shut it down for me, when you arrive there, won't you?
You've eaten away at my stomach,
Blackened my lungs,
And ransacked my brain.
I wake every so often from the constant sleep.
And the moments of clarity release.
I wait for the deconstruction of my vital organs.
I wait for the corrosion of my skin from within.
You grow larger with every drop of blood you suck out of me.
And my muscles have caved in.
I convulse before I fall back to sleep.
Can't you see me now?
Have you ever really seen me?
Or the shell you helped pro-create?
Hollow me out so you can touch my soul.
You have it all, what more do you desire?
Shove it all down, hide some more.
It's okay, they have a way of seeping back in after a while.
Maybe when I wake, so will you.
I sit patiently, watching the clouds move faster.
I lay there, feeling the cold night air brush across my skin, the grass rubbing my skin, the stars watching my every move.
Join me, and live inside my memories.
I just wait it out, I have always waited, and always will.


I want to get up.
Just wake up from this nightmare.
It seems to grow ever more vigilant with time.
And the weights being carried are breaking my legs.
Everything seems to play into this abyss of confusion and melancholy.
The answer I want, are the same answers I hide from.
I can't face what will be placed in front of me.
My eyes burn with the thought.
But what if what I'm searching for is right behind me?
What if all I have to do is turn around?
I can't do it though, my eyes are fixed strait forward.
And the path is getting more and more tangled the farther I walk.
It's all an illusion, just fading and reappearing.
My heart beats slowly as I approach the bottom now.
The hole grows deeper, and I can't see the floor anymore.
Just push me in, shove my body deeper into this chaos.
My mind races as it comes back, facing me with it's evil eyes.
I wince at the thought of movement.
My muscles are tense, the adrenaline has faded into a slight numbness.
The corners of my eyes are moist, and a bead of sweat moves down my face.
Can't you see me now?
Do you see me this time?
The smoke is clearing, so it shouldn't be too hard.
Just open it for me, let me in so I can see.
I swear to you, the world beyond this is more than you can imagine.
But you have the key, and the door has been locked behind us.
The audience grows weary of this failed experiment.
They get up to leave, as I sit in my seat, waiting.
The encore will come soon, and I want to see it.
The sign reads "No Smoking"
So why is it that the room is blanketed in it?
Why are the things around me so unclear?
The water is rising now, filling the towns.
The fire grows more rapid, devouring the homes.
The wind blows everything away, and I'm rooted to this spot.
I want to watch it all go down.
I want to watch the meteors crash down above me.
I want to see the sun look at me with envious eyes as he slowly fades.
I'm losing this battle, and there isn't enough time to get out now.
I hold my breath, learning to swim.
The trees are all yelling at us to get out.
And we stare as they come tumbling down around us.
Do you see me now?
In the back row, with your roses?
The blood is on the hands now.
And the water will wash it away.
Where do I stand now that the ground has been removed?
I'll see you on the other side.
I'll be waiting.
And fixing it all, piece by piece.


The weight is coming down full force on my back as I carry it.
You see me struggling, and do nothing.
The path is being paved below me, guiding me down it.
Should I follow it, or stray away?
I need your hand to guide me away, but this path is so inviting.
I don't think my skin can bear the thorns anymore.
If only you would pull them out for me.
I can't stand the harm that I see in you.
The self inflicted misery that is pouring into me now.
I speak, but no words are produced.
I scream, and not a sound.
The sky welcomes me, pulls me and rips me into the air.
But the ground was so comfortable.
The time is slowing down, almost stopping.
Days feel like months,
Hours feel like years.
Seconds feel like eternity.
I can only bend so far now, so far until I break.
How far do you want me to go?
How deep do you want me to get?
How long are you going to let me starve?
Night time approached, and I sold my soul to the stars.
I gave my heart to the moon.
And I want it all back.


I hold on a tight as I can.
The ledge is so cold, the air so calm.
My hands are forming sweat,
and I can't hang here much longer.
Will you give me your hand or step on my fingers?
I slide off gently, plummeting in slow motion towards the bottom.
The trees wait for my arrival, the dirt feels so warm under my feet.
I want to just walk, but my legs have become numb.
So I sit here, paralyzed over you, and wait it out.
But am I waiting, or wasting away?
Your my poison, and I don't want to induce vomiting.
I want you to coarse through my veins, devouring my health.
Your my antidote, and I need to heal.
Can't you see it anymore?
Or have you blinded yourself from what is there.
Your eyes might deceive you, following impulses by the brain.
But you need to know, you need to see.
Become half a person, half a mind, half a soul, half a heart.
Become and destroy what you built.
It's easy if you try.
Your the oxygen inside the syringe.
Your the flame in the fumes.
Your the fall of an empire.
The power that you need is inside of it all.
Just open the box, and dive in.
You think that this is real?
Did you think that it would be okay?
My legs are starting to flow blood again,
It's up to you if I walk.
But your hands aren't strong enough to lift me yet.
Your sick again, and I'm the antidote this time.
They have found a cure, but do you want it?
The trees are beginning to grow into me here,
Wrapping the roots into my veins,
The leaves cover my eyes.
And you stand their, watching the mirror, and seeing the monster within.
Your escape is a way back in.
Why don't you see that?
Your circling it, not avoiding it.
It's a cycle.
The moon watches with me now.
And I am the cure.
I am the cure.
I've always been the cure.
But I think I'm starting to expire.
And my legs go numb once again.


I watch as the moon rise as the sun slowly dies again.
The stars accompany it, all surrounding it viciously.
I reach, to grab one to hand you.
And in my hand the star cries for you.
And I squeeze it until it bleeds, the blood falls to the ground.
Roses blossom on the floor, and they have sown mouths.
I can't bear their screams any longer.
It's almost sad as they burst into flames, and the star withers away.
I spread the ashes over the sea of blood.
And weep as it turns to water once again.
I see my reflection in the pool below, swallowing the pain.
And I watch as I choke.
What a beautiful sight this is before us now.
The sirens call out to us,
And we waft to their song of impending doom.
I wait for the tragedy.
I wait for the wake of it all.
I'm trapped in the blink of your eye.


Excuse me dear, could you hand me the scissors?
I want to cut these strings you have attached to me.
I want to walk on my own, feel the sand between my toes.
Cause now is the time to get out of here.
This room is getting crowded, and the walls are closing in.
And you left me in the hoards of people, knowing how anxious I am.
All the clocks have stopped.
And for a moment, time stood still.
Now the minute hand is rapidly spinning, and I can move again.
The vein that runs in through my heart is severed.
And I'm patching it up, slowly.
So I will see you on the other side of the bridge.
But I warn you, the water below is rising, and becoming vicious with anger.
I would hold your hand, but you can do this on your own if I can.
Savor that moment,
For it is just a blink of an eye.
The chance for revival is up.
And the bridge is rising.
I walk across, with my eyes strait forward.
See you on the other side, my dear.
See you on the other side.
Disappointed, I just didn't want to know.
Think that I'm deaf to their words.
Think that I'm blind to their looks.
Think that I'm dumb to what has transpired.
Think that I'm free of all emotion.
Think that I'm immune to the pain.
I'll see you on the other side.
But when you see me, don't be surprised if I'm a different person.
Don't think for a second, because you might miss it.


Static fills me sound passages.
I hear nothing anymore,
The words spoke seemed to go unheard.
I sit in the cold realm called isolation.
And the walls bear judgmental eyes, staring strait through me.
Through the static comes a familiar sound, a sound of hope.
But the sound fades, and the static grows louder.
I am too connected to you to slip away.
I stand up, digging through the flesh to reveal the bone once again.
This skin has deceived me so many times, becoming a prison of sort.
I dig through the skin, tearing away at the muscle, just to see you stare at me.
My eyes go black for a moment, and you are walking into my mind.
I see you do this so often now, grabbing hunks of my sanity and shoveling it into your open mouth, just consuming what is rightfully mine.
I am to connected to you to fade away.
When will the clocks read that time again?
The hour of my despair. The minutes of the everlasting pain, trapped in a moment.
My chest is stripped of all flesh now, revealing the hole where my heart once sat.
I wanted to see if I was still able to live, to function again.
But it seems that you beat me to the chase.
You speak in tongues now.
And my mouth is only teeth.
Blood just seems so delightful now, the tears that walk along with them.
My skin remains missing, for you, for us, for the world that we shared.
I watch slowly in my realm of isolation as it heals, just for you to black me out and remove it once again.
I wait for the walls to crumble, so I may leave this cold place.
And return to land of the living, where the sun shines on everyone.
I just can't seem to wake up.
And you are my sedative.


It's pitiful for me at this point.
I can free fall so far from the holds that I once bared,
But I just can't seem to hit the ground.
Why is it that when you smell gas filling the room you strike a match?
Cracking, tearing, unfolding into what you want to see.
Hold yourself and repeat your mantra. "It's okay"
Feel sorry for the agony to whom you have injected.
Wish upon those dead stars that you will be happy.
And just remove the barriers which you hide behind.
Long and narrow, the road takes a sudden turn and your asleep at the wheel.
You could make the flowers grow with your tears.
And the sun go black with your anger.
I have no reservations about the long walk home anymore.
The hand that guided me to safety has vanished, so now I am alone again.
I see through it all, I see you.
But you don't see me.
You don't see me at all.
The doors slowly close behind you as you step back into your world of depression and self mutilation, destruction, and annihilation.
Turn and face the reflection, see the eyes of the dead.
Blood dries on your hands,
As water washes away my self hatred.
I will always be speaking to you,
Just listen, and you will understand.
It hurts to walk, and I can't sit here anymore.
Wait it out, and feel the rush.


You fall away into your mind.
You only escape the reality to revert to a state of unenlightenment.
If you face it head on, it might bow down and submit.
The words that are being found will not reach you in your dreams.
But I sympathize. I learn to understand.
I only want you to be normal, and for your head to be a field, not a prison.
I need to see something real for once.
I can no longer pretend that it is all okay.
I can no longer deny what you hand me.
I too must face my fears, and learn to overcome them.
You want to live inside a lie, hide from what you are becoming.
But when the shell cracks, and the water fills it up, you will swim to the surface.
And I can hold out my hand to lift you to the shore.
This world wasn't meant for you, you and I are not alone though.
Moments will pass us by, and you will remember only the way the clouds looked.
The rain has absorbed acid, and is eating away at your skin.
I want to shelter you from it, so that you may breath the fresh air of relief.


The words are still lost, but the hole is growing larger.
And the world around it is crumbling down around you.
Close your eyes, so that you can see it now.
Cover your ears, the words lie within the silence.
The healing waits inside the suffocating air that fills our lungs


The world that you have created for yourself is slipping away,
Step into mine with me now.
It's almost over.


I watch as you crumble before my eyes.
And I weep silently.
You have so much to offer, but the words you carry pull you down so far.
The hole is widening, and becoming deeper.
The farther you fall, the more you forget what light feels like.
I will wait for you to land at the bottom, I will be there to lift you to your feet.
The mask you wear is becoming so noticeable, your eyes tell us everything.
Remove it, and show them your true face.
The time for hiding has come to pass, and I need them to see you.
So that their eyes will no longer be diluted and the words will no longer flow so viciously and stab your beautiful skin.
The blood loss is growing, and the tears walk along with them.
I need you to help me end this madness.
So that when you can open your eyes and see the sun, the light won't blind you.
So that I can show you the world, show you your true reflection.
I hide too, but the room is falling away.
You sit there, with the world weighing you down.
You fill your head with thoughts and lies,
And sleep it all away.
It's time to wake up, because as you can see, my hands have a hold of the clouds.
The rain must stop, your skin has absorbed to much of it.
You stand there, completely devastated by the transactions that have transpired.
I hold you for only a moment, to show you this is nothing more than an illusion.
Your pain is being transferred into me,
And it is tearing me apart.
I can no longer stand here and do nothing.
I can't, because I will most certainly fade away.
Settle for nothing more than the best.
And take my hand, I will guide you out of this misery.
Take my hand so I may walk with you on the edge, and keep you safe from the bottom.
Nothing you have is what you deserve.
And they are asleep on their feet.
To let them bring you down, brings me down with you.
You are me in an essence.
And I will not let us fall.
If I have to take the dive, then so be it.
But not you,
I will not allow it,
Not as long as I am breathing.
The sun is just behind those clouds.
Remember that.

"Deeper Into This Madness" [2007] Part One.

Part 1 (Rehashing Memories)

"A groan of tedium escapes me, startling the fearful. Is this a test? It has to be, otherwise I can't go on. Draining patience, drain vitality. This paranoid, paralyzed vampire acts a little old. But I'm still right here giving blood, keeping faith, and still right here. I'm going to wait it out. Be patient. Left me with no rewards to reap, no warming embrace to see me through. As tedious as I've chosen here. I certainly would have walked away by now. I'm going to wait it out. Left me no desire to heal, I'm damaged, broken, and alone. As tedious as I've chosen here. I certainly would have walked away by now. Be patient. Be patient. Be patient. I must keep reminding myself of this. Left me with no rewards to reap, no warming embrace to see me through. As tedious as I've chosen here. I certainly would have walked away by now. And I still may have died. I'm going to wait it out."

- "The Patient" by Maynard James Keenan.  


I try so damn hard. So fucking hard it hurts. I can just feel it. Feeling it start to rip me apart. Feel the pain that has been locked away. Somehow something has awoken it from its slumber. This pain is what's making me try. I sit up at night. Sleep is no longer a privilege I get pleasure out of. I sit up, and do you want to know what I do? I think. I think and try to cry. But the pain is so intense that tears wouldn't begin to soothe it. The pain is at its peak when I look back at everything. Everything I've done. The good things bring most of it to the surface. Because thinking of the good times reflects the awful things I've done, the depths of everything that I've suffered through. I go deeper into this insanity every night. Sometimes I will close my eyes and fall into a non-living state of being. But this state is not sleep. It's everything but. It's a spiraling kaleidoscope of the things that eat at my sanity. I walk around as an empty shell. I can't begin to comprehend what normalcy is. Why is it that I feel so apprehensive about finding happiness? Do I purposely shroud myself in a cloak of darkness? Could this madness that I know I'm descending into be brought on through me subconsciously?

I need an answer. This question is beginning to seer my skin. I can see it printed everywhere I look. In every book I read. In every song I listen to. I see it forming on every set of lips that utters a sound. And I try. I try my hardest; I sweat and shake violently over it. Withdrawing from this question is so damn painful. And until I get the answer I think I'll keep falling farther away from any trace of sanity left in me. I wear the mask well. Most people can't even tell I'm wearing it. The few who can are starting to see it as my own face. I can't remember a life without it though.

Words are starting to clash together. Faces all look the same. I can't remember two minutes ago. Time seems to be skipping like a badly scratched CD. I get confused over the most mundane situations. To be honest with you, I don't know why I'm writing this. Something told me I need to do this. So that's what I'm doing. It's an obligation I owe myself this one favor.

 See, here lays the problem. You can't help me. They can't help me. I am alone, dark and cold and alone. Void of all life I lie dormant in a soft room adjacent form your deepest hidden secret buried in the back of your mind.


The sky today was gray. Meandering around, the rain started down for me, hard. My mind flat lined, drawing not one thought into its deadly grip. The water seemed to seep through my skin and back on the ground, almost as if I was transparent in both sight and touch. The smells of filth and disgrace filled my right nostril, cleanliness and purification my left. My stomach received these senses the worst, starting to turn. Forcing my self to eat today proved to be very troublesome seeing as I wound up in a dark, musty, almost death like room filled with dirt, cob webs, and a stench of pure decay. Lining one wall is several large heating/air conditioning units, dusty from years of unkemptness; the other wall is cheap drywall, falling apart in places revealing the corroded wood (most likely home to several thousand termites, spiders, and cock roaches). Some graffiti is splattered (quite crudely I might add) all over the darkest end of the wall. The food soon returns to its former location, outside my body and on the floor, half digested. The taste fills my mouth, making me almost vomit again. I lose all sense of realization, now forgetting where I am and how I got there. I soon realize I don't care for either. I light a cigarette, menthol, to mask the taste in my mouth, attaching itself to every ounce of saliva and the walls of my inner cheeks. My throat tightens; my mussels' spasm drastically. I close my eyes out of desperation, and when I open them the room that once protected me from the cold gray uninviting world has vanished, I'm under a tree, my cigarette half soaked, puke covering my toes and flip-flops. I get up and walk. But where am I going? Hours later I'm standing on a concrete bridge overlooking a small creek, usually void of water, now overflowing and violently flowing in what seems to be the wrong direction seeing as it's on a hill. Hours seem like minutes and seconds feel like decades. I'm sober, completely in an unaltered state of mind. But the rain and the dark gray sky seem to be acting as a hallucinogen, making everything run like wet paint. I stare down at the jagged rocks some ten feet below me now covered by an almost sewage greenish-brown water. I see birds perched on a phone line. I hear cars passing by on a somewhat busy side street. The train tracks are now under my feet. I can't seem to figure out why my legs and feet are conspiring against me, leading me to these spots of unquestionable relevance. The water has increased in speed of its falling. My clothes seem extremely dry, seeing as the ocean itself is now embracing me like the light to the tunnel of eternal happiness. I open my eyes to see the room where the contents of my stomach are lying on the front of my designer jeans and $35.00 pair of flip-flops I bought from Hollister. A cockroach or maybe it was a spider, crawls into my non digested lunch. I get up and walk back home, sitting there on my couch soaking wet. I light a cigarette and appreciate the beautiful patterns the smoke makes as it billows out of my mouth in almost slow motion in the dark.

            "Why again with the television, Harry?" "You know you'll get it back in a couple hours, why you always got to make me feel so guilty Ma'? Your own son Ma', you're own flesh and blood!" Requiem for a Dream has been on a four hour loop in my DVD player. I sit almost half asleep reciting it word for word. I then feel a longing to open up the pages of Hubert Selby Jr.'s novel and indulge myself in other people's suffering. Shed some own light on my blank situation. Seconds later I'm asleep with my head on the computer desk with Tiesto's "As the Rush Comes" filling my unconscious consciousness. "Embrace me; surround me, as the rush comes". I awake suddenly, forgetting all about the blue dream I was in. I scroll through my vast music library and switch the beautiful trance song to Tool's "Wings for Marie Part 1" and make a list so that only that and "10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2)" play on a continuous loop. I close my eyes and dream of a red so dark it's almost black.

Can I go back in time? Can I go back and stay and relive everything and not change a fucking thing? I did that once. Relived everything again exactly they way it was. I think that's what life is. We die, and just relive our life over and over and over. It makes sense, at least in my frantic mind. People who lived back in the 1500's are on their own loop in that frame of time. But what I want to know is, when it started. How many times have I died? Because look, Religions say that when you die, your life is read back to you, well I have a hard time believing in religion. Too many flaws in the scriptures. But see here's where religion plays its part in my reality. When you die, you don't hear your life, you live it again. I can't figure out why though.


Hot, almost scolding, water pours and pounds into my body. I relax for a moment, breathing in the steam. The smell of soap fills my nostrils, the sound of Tool's "The Patient" fills my ears, and the taste of Mountain Dew lingers in my mouth. 15 minutes later "Parabola" replaces "The Patient" and I'm wrapped in a towel, still dripping water from my hair, perched on the sink like a gargoyle on a cathedral. The sink and counter are fairly large, giving me room to have my stereo, wallet, cigarettes and lighter, 6 hydrocodones wrapped in cellophane, and body room to move about comfortably. My knees are almost to my chest, revealing my genitals through the towel. I shake my head, spattering water on the already moist wall. I wipe the thin layer of steam from the mirror revealing my face and wet hair. I admire my appearance, deciding to stare deeply into my own eyes. Inside the shower, I felt infinite. The lights from above the mirror became dim as the curtains cover the inside of the shower with a beautiful brown shade of light. The music was blaring as loud as possible, while I sang along (poorly) to Maynard James Keenan's beautiful lyrics. I sat atop of the counter for about 20 minutes, going back through the CD to find the songs that made me miserably happy. I know Stephanie and Phil are sitting no more than 30 feet from me, through the walls, sitting on the couch and watching TV. I grab the half full room temperature Mountain Dew sitting on top of the toilet. I make sure I obsessively dry my hands leaving not one trace of moister. I light up a cigarette and unwrap my pills, removing 3 of them. I just bought these before I got into the shower when Phil took out the trash and walked Hank. I had just arrived home about an hour ago from work, a long 6 hour shift at Wendy's, I had been working as cashier in the drive-thru (which I am awful at). My work clothes lie in the corner of the bath room in a crumpled pile, a pair of scrubs and a white t-shirt lay neatly folded on a basket of magazines in front of the toilet. I take a huge swig of Mountain Dew, savoring the taste, and keep it in my mouth. I break each little white pill in half, once 3 are now 6. I open my mouth, titling my head back, a slide my hand in funnel shape, making a small whole at the bottom, letting the half pills slide into my mouth. The Mountain Dew doesn't fizz like Coke or Dr. Pepper, so I let the pills begin to dissolve in my mouth for about 45 seconds and swallow. I quickly dry off with the towel instead of my usual method of air drying. I change into my boxers which I fish out of my smelly work pants, and slide on the scrubs and t-shirt. I tie the built in belt on the scrubs, switch the CD player off, unplug it, grab my smokes, put the 3 remaining pills in my wallet (which I put into the one butt pocket of the scrubs), and exit the bathroom, turning off the light. I skipped shaving tonight seeing as I did it last night after work. I place the CD player in my dark bedroom and join Steph and Phil in the living room. Hank is laying the spot on the couch I wished to occupy so I sit on the floor. We sit around talking about nothing and smoking Kool Milds. As soon as the Lortabs kick in, I pretend to half to have a bowel movement. I make a pit stop in my room, grabbing the CD player and returning to the bathroom. When I enter the bathroom, I immediately lock the door behind me and plug in the stereo. I leave the toilet seat down, wipe the counter dry, and turn the stereo up decently loud so they don't hear me in the living room. I pull out my wallet and grab my Showplace 16 Five Buck Club card (which still has a little white dust on it from before work), the now flattened red straw from Speedway that's been cut down to the size of my pinky finger, and the remaining pills in the cellophane. I pull one out and break it in half, putting the other half back in with its brethren. I place it on the now dry counter, while fixing the straw to resemble its original form. I strain my ears to hear if anyone is approaching, and when I hear the coast is clear I place my card on top of the half pill. With one hard push, the pill becomes powder with some still decent size chunks. I slide the card back and forth destroying the chunks down to mere powder. I make about 5 good thick lines. The straw is now placed in my left nostril, and with one good sniff, I inhale 2 lines with a slight head adjustment after the first. The powder burns my nose, but I don't mind in the least. I finish off the other 3 and lick the counter top and the entire card clean. I then notice the fan is on, although I don't remember doing this. I take the straw and hold it to the tip of my index finger and barley turn the sink on. A few drops of water are then followed by a nice thin stream of water. I fill the straw up to damn near the top, lean my head back, and snort the water, cleaning out my nose. I do this 2 or 3 times before I start picking it. I lick off the chunks of powder that survived the flood and then blow my nose. I flush the toilet and grab the now unplugged CD player and exit. I go back to the living room, high as can be, the two of them knowing none the better. I pet Hank a few times and laugh at his short legs. I then engage in a conversation about Resident Evil 4 with Phil for about a half an hour. We then transition the conversation into a discussion about John Frusciante. I see the time is growing thin, nearly 12:30 at night. I walk Hank once after being asked 30 minutes ago by Steph. I couldn't help but notice the emptiness in her eyes. When I realized what it was, I almost cried. I too missed the kids that had been taken from us some months ago by their father. I asked Phil if I could take the Playstation 2 into my room when I went to bed, and after being denied I decided to just watch a disc of The Simpsons on DVD. About an hour later I wished the two good night and told Steph I love you, went into my room and turned on my light which dimly lit my quiet large and fairly empty room. I took the pills out of my wallet and placed them in the hole in my pillow underneath the pillow case from a mental hospital that I had no idea where it came from. I lit a cigarette and rummaged through my seasons of The Simpsons on DVD and picked one at random. Once I set up everything I killed the light and lied on my pile of feather beds and comforters. I watched about 10 minutes of the television with no cable in my room, and then fell into a wonderful drug induced sleep. I was so happy. So diluted. So confused. So scared. So numb. So high.

      I'm terrified to fall in love with anyone. I'm scared to love anyone at all. Because if I utter the words "I Love You" to anyone, they usually leave me, either physically or emotionally. Love is supposed to be an emotion, a verb, which you embrace, not shove away, or cower in the corner like a lost child. The one person I loved more than anything is now gone. I have no way of reaching her, I don't even know if she is alive. I would do anything to lie next to her again and watch TV and smoke a cigarette. Hearing her voice at this point would fill me with the emotion I am so void of. 17 years together is a long time. She was my best friend. And now she's gone. I feel like it's my fault, I want to believe it is, because to know my role model has flaws that I could see and ignored is to much to bear. So self accusations seem to fit just fine.


"…He tries to sleep again and wonders when the pain will end. The cuts they made run deeper than his face will ever show. He looks with tired eyes at the people who are hypnotized and wonders what can save him from this self created hell..."

-From "Devil" by Aaron Lewis.

The car is moving about sixty miles an hour, now increasing as we weave in and out of traffic. By this point in time, I'm used to the insane driving methods, so almost rear ending that car back there didn't even faze me. My window is down, it's about 86 degrees out, and we have no air conditioning. "Stadium Arcadium" is pouring loudly out of the speakers, and as much as I enjoy it, I begin to shuffle through the CDs and settling on Staind's "Chapter V". After "She's Only 18" fades into "Slow Cheetah" I eject the CD and put in my new selection. Steph doesn't seeing as she quickly turns it to "Right Here". I turn it down, asking if I can bum a smoke. Annoyed, she hands me one with a lighter. Little dose she know that the missing pack of cigarettes from the freezer are in my pocket, but if I smoked them she'd know it was me and not Phil who we blamed it on. I light it after rolling my window up then back down. The highway is fairly busy, seeing as it's about 6:45 pm on a Friday. Three is our number tonight, scattered all over this fucking town. One by one, we'll get them until it's about 9:56 pm. The dose I took before we left is now beginning to fade out of me, sobering me back up. "Goddamn, how much farther until we get there, I need another dose" I think to myself. One has been picked up already, so score 2 is now where we are so desperately heading. Eight pills are in my pocket wrapped in cellophane, but I don't touch them until I find out how good of a weekend I may or may not have. A bit of anticipation for the next pick up fills me, almost making me vomit. This could be it, the time I get busted. 23 minutes later, I find out its not, and 8 more pills enter my pocket. 3 here we come. I turn the radio down to a low roar, and look at Steph "What did I do?" She looks at me a bit sympathetic and slightly confused. "What do you mean 'what did I do?'" "I did something to force myself out of my mom's life, and feel so bad. Was I a bad son?" Tears stream down my face as a desperately shove my hand into my pocket and pull out my pills. "You did not do anything, you were a great son, and you still are a wonderful person." I fish out 5 pills, exceeding my normal dosage count, and snap them in half and pop them in my mouth, dry, and begin to chew them. Steph starts to ask why I'm doing this, but then notices we missed our turn. I grab her warm Mountain Dew and swallow, chiseling the chunks stuck in my teeth with my tongue, and swallowing. I wanted us to get in an accident and die so bad. I prayed for a drunk driver to slam into my side of the car and kill me. I wanted to undo my seatbelt and jump out, getting sucked under a car. I thought about swallowing ever pill in my pocket, a total of 11, and just down them. But that would just make me sick. But I just wanted out of this pointless fucking life. Away from everyone and everything. The beast inside me was beginning to kick, like a fetus, and I could see I was carrying him, and that made me grimace.

          What's going through your head during all of this? What do you think about before you close your eyes to escape into sleep? Do you remember me?  

          I sit there, quietly, the phone pressed against one ear, now sweaty, and a head phone pressed onto the other. I dial the number so many times I don't even realize that I'm doing it. The redial button is probably growing faded seeing as my hand is so sweaty and shaky that I can do nothing but press it. The voice on the other end of the phone is very repetitive, telling me the person I wish to call dose not have a voice message system set up at this time, but I'm convinced if I keep calling, it will ring and the voice I thirst for will be welcoming and embrace me again after all this time. After an hour or so, it rings. My heart pounds ferociously, I can feel the vomit rising into the top of my throat. The voice is there, and we speak for several hours, tears filling the room to a point where I almost drown. I then pause, listen intently at the voice, and hear nothing but a dial tone. A tone that was so consistent that it burrowed into my mind and convinced me it was not its true form, but the form of what I wanted it to be. My insanity is growing thicker by the day. I call again, and after hearing the automated bitch tell me what I dread to hear, I slam the phone down, hard, against the wall. I stand up and scream, loud, and spit up blood. I fucking hate this. I hate everyone, no matter whom, how, or what they are or will be to me. I hate anyone I will someday meet. I hate everyone I've ever met. I see their faces, twisted in death, inside my mind. I smile, look at the puddle of blood in my hand, laugh a little, pick the phone up and dial again.


I wonder sometimes, what the barrel of a gun tastes like. What a rope, tied just right, feel like against the skin of your neck. The sensation flowing through you when the razor glides against your skin, setting free large amounts of your blood. The feeling you get when all the drugs you took take effect, and you know the end is so fucking close that you can almost touch it. What do you think and see as your falling down faster and faster from the top of a building? How painfully euphoric it feels to sit in a tub of lukewarm water with a blow drier entering the miniature ocean you've created, the feeling of pure electricity flowing through you like a phone line. The smell of the gas filling the car and garage surrounding it, the feeling of sleepiness that hits you like a sack of bricks. The warmth of the headlights from the midnight freight train, what do you see inside that light before you enter it? The hallucinations you begin to experience after weeks with out eating a morsel of food, the feeling of weakness and frailty. I wonder these things, and fall into a deep sleep and experience each of them a hundred-fold.</P>

            Why am I scared of you? You make me happy, but I'm deeply terrified of you. I play it off well, hiding my fear from you, hinting only slightly towards it at times, but you're too blind to see it. It's not so much you that I fear, but the rejection I fear. But could I be too diluted to see the acceptance that might welcome me? 


The air tonight was bitter cold. I wore a tee shirt with a thermal under it, the same pair of jeans from yesterday along with the boxers from the past two days and a pair of flip flops. My newly acquired MP3 player is blaring music into me, as I walk to get a Java Monster (Big Black), and pick up the pizzas I told my mom I'd get. Traffic was heavy, so what do I do, walk into it like the fucking road was empty. Horns blare all around me, but you know what, fuck them. Hit me you bastards, see if I flinch. What is there anymore? I ask you now, what the FUCK do I have? WHAT?! I light a cigarette and sit on the bench in front of Marsh, watching the old people exit the store. I wanted one of them to fall, break a hip or a neck, and see the look in their eyes when I stare at them, not offering a hand of helpfulness. Fuck them. I watched the cars pass by on Stop 11, and so badly longed for an accident to occur. See bodies crawl out of the cars bloody and mangled, pieces of metal and glass piercing the fucking skin. Watch the ambulances scream as they hurry towards the now dieing pieces of shit. I enter the store, go strait for my coffee, stand behind a dike, a forty five year old looking alcoholic (judging as it's Saturday and he has 4 six packs of beer and a gut), and a little kid, probably around 10 or 11. I wished I could watch each of them burn, just suffer incomprehensibly. As I paid for my drink, the stupid cashier asks how I'm doing, I hold the spit that I wanted to hurl into her face back, and answer her, "Fucking miserable, and you?" I laugh as she says "peachy" and call her a cunt under my breath just loud enough for her to hear. I walk out and open my coffee, take a few sips and after realizing how much I could care less, hurl it at car passing by, and when they slam on their breaks, I light another cigarette. They quickly turn around and start spewing obscenities from there piece of shit car, and without looking at them I flip them off. I think he got out of his car, but by this time I was behind a bunch of buildings that smells like shit due to the nasty trash cans lining the corroding street. I forgot to get the pizzas and had to pee really badly. So I walked into an occupied apartment building, unzipped my pants, and pissed all over the carpet of the hallway that leads to these meaningless peoples existence. I turn out and go get the pizzas, throwing the money and change at the cashier and spit on the floor as I leave. I turned to see him gathering the change off the floor from outside the window. The manager looks at me with disgust. "Fuck you faggot" I mouth to him as I turn to walk back home. On my way back home, I find myself walking on a dark sidewalk next to the busy street, and a twenty year old looking woman and her baby are walking towards me, I attempt to trip the woman into the street, but am unsuccessful. Who gives a fuck anyways? She sees my kind foot gesture and screams at me in Spanish, I turn around with the pizzas in my hand and scream back "speak English you fucking whore!" Her baby begins to cry and she attends to it, as I continue on back home. When I get there, I sit there and think back on my trip, the empty roads, the empty stores, the empty sidewalks. My coffee is in my hands and I take a sip of it, enjoying every ounce of it. I get up and go pee, leaning my head back and laugh.

            Age: 17. Height: 5' 10". Eye Color: Blue. Hair: Brown.

Body Type: Slender/Skinny. Piercings: None. Tattoos: None. Dress: Dressy Casual. Glasses: Yes. Smoke: Yes. Drink: No. Drugs: No. Facial Hair: Mustache, Side Burns, Soul Patch, Light Beard. State of Mind: Unstable.


I think it all started about a year and 3 months ago. The house on Gilbert was small, yellow, and possibly haunted. Something about that house was cursed, bad karma originated from the innards of that house. Something about the numbers 749 was tainted. From the moment we began moving in I could see the instability of my life beginning to surface. I had claimed the room in the basement. As we were moving in my things, we dropped the bed, creating a huge hole in the wall. The floor was cold, and possibly infested. But a dark, lonely, basement room seemed perfect. After hours of arguing with Chris and Josh about my living arrangements, I won. The room turned out nice, a hip little bachelor pad. The house was crowed though, no doubt about it. Feeling a little greedy, I realized I was the only one person with their own bedroom. My mom and two brothers shared a room closest to the front of the house, Josh and Chris shared a large open space just adjacent from my room. Kenedei, David, and Sydni all shared a room across the hall from my mom and brothers, and Stephanie slept on the couch, not having a bedroom of her own. So a total of ten people lived inside a three bedroom house, with one bathroom that didn't even have hot running water, and to top it off, it was well water. Two days into the stay at the house, my mom calls it quits. So what? I didn't care. Leave. She did, but not before going out with a bang. Offering to strap my brother in his car seat, and being told "Get the fuck away from me and my kids" by her, with a simple retort of "Fuck you", lead to a full blown fist fight, and I refused to become a part of even though I was the other participant in the altercation. The police arrived, put me in hand cuffs, and lead me off to jail. The street was hot on my bare feet, seeing as I hadn't got dressed today. No shirt rested on my chest and back, and the officer was nice enough to let Stephanie to get me that and some shoes. She cried for me, telling the cops I did nothing, which was the truth. Led off to a paddy wagon down the street, I sat and waited, actually anticipated my arrival to jail that was and hour away. The thirst I had recently devolved due to the extreme heat in the small metal cage in the back of the wagon was excoriating. The repulsive well water that awaited me inside the release cell at Marion County Juvenile Center sounded almost irresistible at this point. I was scared, yes, but more pissed off than anything. Like all 3 times I've been arrested, I think back on the day up until my arrest. And it fills me with a disgustingly violent rage that can only be subsided by the thought of freedom, and each time has worked. After talking with the jackass behind the reception counter at the Juvenile Center, I'm lead into the release cell. After about three or four hours of trying viciously to fall asleep inside the smelly cell covered in graffiti, the guards open the door and lead me to my aunt and cousin Chris. As soon as I get into the car after hugging Chris and Stephanie repeatedly, I light a cigarette that I bummed off Tony, the driver of the now much crowed sports car. When I get home, the house is bright, the aura is very white and calm, and the house is spotless, finally put together. Stephanie and I sit on the couch, smoking like crazy and talking. My aunt Sissy comes over sometime after I arrive, and tells me how I did nothing wrong, my mother is psychotic. I listen, nod my head politely, and wait for her to leave so I can spark up the weed that Chris had given me after I got out of the car once I was back home. Nothing short of three or four bowls, I go downstairs and grab an empty water bottle that has been converted into a bong with a screwdriver and some tinfoil. I smoke until I feel high enough, then go back inside and lay on the love seat. I pass out and wake up the next morning. The next two weeks are filled with me making music, smoking pot with Chris, going on prescription runs with Chris, selling DVDs that I cherished oh so much with Chris for cigarette money and weed money, long walks and short bike rides to the movie store to get some movies seeing as we don't have cable. Then the shit hit the fan. One morning, after rejecting some weed due to paranoia about my mom coming and taking me to get drug tested, and accepting some pills as a substitute, I am awoken by screaming. My mother, grandmother, grandfather, and aunt Sissy are in the yard, and my mom proceeds to try to break into the house through the dining room window. Chris and Josh are asleep in the basement, my bedroom that I quickly aborted to sleep upstairs with Stephanie then eventually in the bedroom my mom once occupied. Stephanie's kids by this point were with their dad in Michigan, and now he had taken them to Florida. To cut the story a bit short, the police were called, I told them about my mom's abusive behavior, and left with Child Protective Services. Once there, I sat in a room filled with toys for younger children, and a friendly black woman aided me while watching The Terminal. Soon the people who interrogated me about my situation came back, and this time their once sympathetic and welcoming attitude changed to bitter cold and hatred. They had contacted my grandmother, seeing as Josh was 21 with no job and Chris was 23 with the same profile. Stephanie had been said to be a child pornographer and a heavy drug addict by my mother, which were false accusations. But these accusations were enough to keep these people against me in my defense to go back with her. I had later found out she went to jail for suspicion of battery and assault. My grandmother had told them I was a drug addict, at this time it was a bold face lie. I smoked pot often, took pills about once or twice a week, and smoked cigarettes, but addiction was not in my system yet. So now I'm sitting in a van, being questioned like a hardened criminal by these arrogant assholes and on my way to a drug rehabilitation center. "Have you ever taken pills?" "Uh, the ones my doctor prescribes me.", "What kind of pills?" "You know, Concerta, Ibprophen, stuff like that". I played a fool well. By this time, I had taken Ecstasy, Methadone, Xanax, Valium, Percoset, and Lortab. I knew all the information the longed for from me, but kept it locked away well. Shorten the story again, the rehab didn't take me. It would have been pointless, I didn't need it then. I stayed at a friend's house for a night, and then moved in with my mom for 4 days at our aunt and uncle's house out in the middle of nowhere. I then told my mom to let me stay at Nick's for a few days, and I didn't see her again until a year later inside the Hendricks County Court House, I was wearing a pair of handcuffs and shackles.


I lay inside of a room covered in clothes, some clean, some dirty. I cleared out half the room and converted it into a sleeping arrangement. The small TV/VCR combo is placed on top of the Comcast Cable box, and next to it is my stereo system. I lay there smoking a cigarette, falling fast into the Trance music that fills the room to the brim. I place my Kool Milds to the side and reach for the pack of Marlboro Reds that I don't smoke and light two of them, standing up and restarting the song over. I begin to move my arms in the dark to the rhythm of the song, creating long streams of red light from the lit cigarettes. I realize how tacky it must look with out glow sticks, but damn am I impressed. The bass is heavy, the synth is fast paced, and the drums are very quick and tribal like. When I feel the sweat pour from my face, I realize the cigarettes are burnt out and I'm moving nothing but my arms. So I switch the light on, turn on the TV and lay down, waiting for Phil and Steph to get back home.

In the van, I feel excited and very nervous. I'm shaking slightly, but the promise of getting to go home overrides that completely. I had sat in class calculating the exact time that I'd be in that gold Mazda 626 on my way home, popping pills, smoking cigarettes, and listening to music. It was a Tuesday, and the heat in Indiana, especially Muncie was excruciating. Country music is what the drivers picked, again, for this trip. I didn't care, I was too excited. I had cried earlier, for reasons unknown to me, inside the isolation cell. Now at Rockville Road, the same street that was home to the Meijer that I met my demise at, I knew I'd be there within thirty minutes. Inside the van with me is a very attractive blond, in here for drug charges too, and not-so-attractive brunette in here for fighting, this was her fifth offense. My throat was dry, and now the food I had not eaten for the past two days is creeping up on me in the form of vomit. I sneak a look at the cute blond, and then close my eyes into a sleep that is rough and unsettling. When we arrive at the courthouse, a well built one for such a small town, my heart pounds through my chest. I search the parking lot almost obsessively looking for any car that would be the one that brought Stephanie here. I'm unsuccessful in my search. When we get inside, the shackles hurt my ankles as I walk and I hold off on using the restroom because I think I might have to submit a urine sample for drug analysis. When we get in the courtroom, I realize that we are very early, and no one is there. I'm happy now, thinking that she's on her way. I had prayed so hard the night before for this day to go well, my head ached for hours from praying so hard. God wouldn't let me down. Soon the two girls' parents enter and speak with them from the benches behind us. I stare at the clock, then at the door. The officers that escorted us here got on me vigorously about looking forward, but fuck that, I want to see her smile at me with tears in her eyes as she comes through those fucking doors. All my calls to her from jail have not been successful, so I want answers. Anger now fills me, why hasn't she come yet? What's taking so long? "James Day", fuck, it's my turn to take the stand. I get up there so angry I'm on the verge of tears, and tell them I'm alone in court. They set my case aside, so I should have a little longer to wait. The rest was a blur. All I remember I being told its time to leave, and she never showed. I hated God. He had fucked me over so bad. Why? What did I do?   

Blow it all away. Just pull back, and blow it all away.


            I started writing the note today. I filled out the top half, which was my goodbyes to everyone at once, and then I started doing personal goodbyes. Half through the personals I ran to the sink behind me and threw up. What was I doing? Why did I start writing that? What could have told me that right now is the right time? My hands are shaking a little; the cigarette in my hand is almost out.

            My head feels disarrayed. Waking into a dream that haunted me through out my day, I found myself a little weary of my surroundings. Peoples eyes glared right through me, seeing what lies dormant inside of me. Breaking down, water splattered all over my back, I could feel a hundred thousand tons slamming down on me. Everything was moving in slow motion, I was in real time. Sounds became distorted, creating words and conversations that never existed. I found myself re-entering the dream, in the middle of the packed parking lot looking for the car she was in. Pieces of it followed me, and started diluting my sense of reality. I haven't truly been able to confront the fact that she's gone, and when I awoke from seeing her again, the realization in front of me hit me like a speeding freight train. It had flowed through my veins, entering my brain, and consuming my memories. My heart stopped beating, my eyes went black, and nothing was everything. Panic filled me as I scattered, quite quickly, through the hoards of people. They saw me, and their eyes saw nothing. I wasn't aware of what was happening. Fresh air filled my lungs, followed by thick stacks of smoke, and I was clear to the naked eye, once again. It's the sky, the mood of the earth reflects itself on my inner subconscious.  


Jan 27, 2007

A look into my life.
Over the past couple of months, my life has been subjected to a lot of changes. 

Let me start back at the Summer of '06.

My aunt Stephanie (who I am extremely close to) moved in with me and my mom in July of 2006. We were living in Yorktown (were I had lived since I was 3 years old) and soon after she moved in with us we received an eviction notice. This had nothing to do with my aunt moving in. Along with my aunt, her 3 children (who I am also extremely close to) moved in to. We all packed our things, and left Yorktown. We found this nice 4 bedroom house on Shelby Street and things were going fine. We lived there for about a week, and then everything began to crumble down.
The landlords came to our house about a week after we moved in. They failed to mention to us that a deadly mold was growing in our basement, and the only reason they told us is because the Board of Health cracked down on them. So again we had to move. So basically right after we had unpacked, we were packing again. We found this nice little house on Gilbert Avenue, a little over a block away from Southport High School. By this point, my mom was planning on leaving, but had failed to mention it to any of us. About 3 days after we moved in, my mom flipped out. She came home from work and started throwing dishes around and cussing at all of us (Steph & I) and the kids). She packed a few bags of her clothes, took my 2 brothers and left. But before all of this could take place an altercation broke out between the two of us. She came at me with the intent of hitting me and so naturally I try to defend myself. Now don’t get me wrong, I merely pushed her off of me. But this led to the police being called. Naturally this meant I would be leaving that night in handcuffs. They took me down to the juvenile correction facility and upon my arrival, I was instantly released. The only reason I was there was by request of my mom. While I sat in the release tank for those long 4 hours, I made up my mind. I told myself I was going to cut ties with my mom once and for all. I was released that night and I went home with my aunt.

Flash forward 3 weeks.

Up until this time, I hadn’t heard anything from my mom. Stephanie's  ex-husband called and asked if he could take the kids for a week to Florida. (Quick background: Chris Rich is Stephanie's ex-husband. He is the father of all 3 of Stephanie's children. He moved to Michigan about 2 years ago). Stephanie decided to let them go. Well about 4 days later, my mom shows up with my grandma, grandpa, and aunt Cheryl. Everyone in this group loathes Stephanie, and the reason they were there was to get the remainder of my moms things. But unlike civilized people, they had to act like children. The cops were called yet again, and this time Stephanie is the one leaving in handcuffs. I, on the other hand, come up with a quick way to dodge going back with my mom. I pull one of the officers aside, tell him about my abusive mother, and go to Child Protective Services. While there, I was treated good. Well, that’s an understatement. Because as soon as they talk to my grandmother, she fills them with a load of lies. She said I'm a helpless drug addict who beats my mother and brothers and has the entire family scared that I will kill someone. This is a complete lie. Anyone who knows me can tell you that. Now I will admit, I have used drugs. I’ve smoked pot, eaten pills, drank, even rolled on Ecstasy once. But in no way, shape, or form am I an addict. I’m like every other 16 year old kid. So the people at CPS start treating me like a dog from then on. Soon I’m in the back of an SUV on my way to Valla Vista, a drug treatment facility. I get to be welcomed by my worthless mother, and after about an hour, they let me go home. The catch was, I had to go home with my mom.

Flash forward 5 days.

I’m with my mom staying with my aunt Jessica out in Bargersville. I’m completely miserable, lonely, and just a mess. So, being like I am, I came up with a way out of it. I called up my best friend Nick and asked if I could stay at his house for about a week. My mom gave me the okay, dropped me off there the next day, and within the first 3 hours of me being there I was on my way back home, my real home, with Stephanie. By this point, we had found out her kids weren’t going to Florida. My mom, grandma, grandpa, and aunt Cheryl had called Chris and told him these disgusting lies about Stephanie and he got emergency custody. That was the last straw. I hated each one of them with a passion. So for a few days I would go over to Nick's and call my mom, just to keep her at bay. After about the 2nd or 3rd day, she stopped calling. I was staying with Stephanie full time. I had gotten a good job at Wendy's and things were going good. I hadn’t heard from my mom in almost 6 months.

The only thing I regret is not getting to see my brothers. I miss them every day of my life but if it meant I had to slowly die by living with my mom then I think ill just have to miss them.

This experience has changed my life. I have changed a lot. My personality, my appearance, my over all look on life.

 I just want to leave you with this: One day I went to bed and I had everything. A galaxy of worldly possessions, a family. The next day I wake up and I have nothing. I have no family, except Stephanie, no possessions, nothing. So take this into consideration. Don’t take advantage of the things you have. Because they could be gone from you in an instant.


Friday, February 7, 2014

"Fractured:Mind" Chapter Seven

Chapter 7: Disposable Razorblade Wrists

The Morbid Decay Collapse

This heat festers bringing the blood to a boil,
Instantly we vanish in her final thoughts,
The creation of life was nothing more than joke,
We all forgot the punchline synchronizing our eulogies,
Halfway through the threshold we bend to the break,
Spelling out the years of depravity with ease,
Stretching the surface that dug beneath our dreams,
Leaking in the cracks come realities rethought only at dawn,
Fingertips press down to eject the souls we reject,
Eager to find the next portal through the other side of existence,
Our punishment is denial and we accept it with a false idol at our feet,
The tenants of our deepest fears resign with no hesitation,
Leaving us to become products of society's devices,
This torment will never begin to cease as I beg her to answer,
Voices fill this hallway and we cover our naked bodies in the skins shed,
Sewing together the last remaining fragments of consciousness,
The sky can open up and show us it's hungry mouth,
Salivating at the sight of corrupted innocence,
She has left us here to wither,
Falling deeper into her madness now we beg,
Needing only a piece of her false solace,
Strangling the roots for traces of nourishment,
Lying in the fallen arches of salvation long departed,
Her name will fill us with the thickest confusion,
Each letter a trigger for insanity,
I swim deeper inside her entrails,
Tonguing my way through the skin from the insides,
Waiting for her to answer my voice silenced,
Slicing her open with the softest touch from outside in,
I can only bleed that which she breathes,
When the sky opens up,
She will beg me to come inside,
To devour your reality with ravenous anger,
Bringing about a cold so intense,
Freezing over all emotion self created,
She is the reason the sky is falling,
And I can smell her fear with my hands tied down

Meaningless Flesh

Pressure tends to collapse the air around us,
With the absence of vision they all saw it for what it was,
Reaching deeper in the hole for new questions,
Never quiet understanding the reasons for these actions,
Acting on instinct or something more sinister,
Pushing the boundaries down with weak arms,
Ignoring the obvious in front of us,
Leaning on the crutch of false comforts,
Scratching the light to a dim glow,
Knowing nothing of the outside world,
Only the pictures to remind us of the forgotten,
Spilling the contents with no regard for the consequence,
Balancing on the edge of complete loss,
These are the places we find ourselves,
Wrapped in out scared realities,
Splinting the truth to a point of non existence.
Something in the air pushes us deeper,
Whispering to overlook the pressure,
To withdraw our intents and begin the descent,
Reduce the chaos to a quiet hum.
Lean back and absorb the prescience of failure,
This melancholy is all we'll ever gain,
Time is nothing more than an illusion,
Progress is only a word with no meaning,
Salvation awaits in the abandonment of humanity,
Welcome it for all it's worth,
Never question the void's callings,
Damnation is this waking life,
The pressure will collapse these lungs,
So enjoy it while it's here,
This is eternal.

Visible Pain [Scars Re-Open]

I spoke the truth to you so we could walk away,
But you've left me here with these scars unhealed,
Licking the wounds to help recover what has lost,
I am nothing in your eyes now that this is opened,
A fading shadow hung from the ceiling with twine,
Watch as I squirm in my seat deeply unsettled,
I will contort into your vision of perfection defined,
Shedding the mistakes you've made me admit,
Digging into the skin to remove the past I hold tightly,
Once I'm bear maybe you will see the damage you have inflicted,
So masochistically
you lead me into your den of false solace,
Bending my bones into your mold I could never fill,
Dragging it out longer than we thought possible,
And as I busted at the seems you simply turned a blind eye,
Leaving me here to spill on the carpet into the tile,
So helpless I came to you and you came back to me,
For nothing is all we would ever gain,
This sick twisted game of what-if's we played,
Until the day came where it was too much,
Way to overwhelming to contain,
Sleepless nights where you'd haunt me as I faded in and out of reality,
Leading me deeper into the belly of your beast,
I have never turned my back to your cries,
Oh how you've done such to me,
And I can always love you with an incredible pain throughout,
The day you crawl back I have begged too long,
I am still awake with you engraved in my vision,
Balancing on my spine and breaking my neck softly,
I can only wait until our time is run to the quick,
Stealing your memories and placing myself in the blanks,
This has become so pathetic / these cries of torment you ignore,
Replacing your voice with a pill,
Turning you into a feeling of regret late into the night,
Swearing on our name to forever burn in the flames we ignite,
I could feel the weight collapse into me,
And so naive we must have been,
To ever think I was right, and the score was tied,
You had left a trail of blood crumbs leading us here,
Clue by clue I erased as I placed my hand upon them,
I'm sorry we ever met,
but I hope we meet again,
And the rain can wash this all away.

[4] Parts [of a Broken Soul ]

I feel discouraged in my future actions delayed,
Her voice echoed in the nameless rooms abandoned by those they held close,
Blood soaks this floor to the roots and feeds the leeches,
All I can do is lie motionless as she embodies my movements,
Telling me to entrust no one other than her from this point on,
Blindly obey as she destroys the progress I've built,
Burning it to the ground while throwing me in the ashes. (1)
Somewhere I will find the piece removed from this obscurity,
Tainted by your sin-filled touch,
We must remove this cancer before it spreads..(2)
Wait, I can hear the distant screams of sorrow,
How sad they sound from the top of the mountains I stand upon,
Every memory I drop to them leads them through another realm of torture,
Thier's and mine, fate intertwined...(3)
Stripping myself of all your emotions,
The remains are buried in my flesh decayed,
I ask for your hand and your silence forces mine,
We can no longer hide the scars we share,
The overwhelming pressure ever expanding,
I just need to know where you've gone,
I can't finish a thing without your voice to confirm,
Look at all this your leaving to rot,
I can wait as long as you need for me to expire,
The date draws near and we will be forgotten,
Fragments of someone's lost reality,
Your silence forces mine,
Into the next level of decomposition,
We can no longer hide,
These stains on the carpet of regret,
I have no more to offer other than my soul,
But that will never suffice for you,
I can no longer accept this....(4)


Sleeping in the past's remains,
I hold my eyes shut with thick tape,
My body is paralyzed when she enters my mind,
And all I can do is adsorb the beauty she radiates,
Shedding tears that were never there,
They have the power to grow flowers on her cheek,
Her shadow begs me to embark within,
And all I can do is allow it to devour me,
Spilling life around me as it drags me inside,
In here we hear stories of enlightenment,
A place where there is no pain,
Noises tempt me back out of this realm,
But she has me tied down,
Never allowing me to depart,
Eyes being filled with images of eternity,
Spelling out the words of the chosen ones,
Someday I will posses her and show her how,
But that day is frozen between a moment and a memory,
And the keys are loosely hanging above the void,
She'll understand as we hold hand and dive,
The stories being screamed from the walls,
This isn't happening,
It never happened,
It was only a dream, she'll tell us all.
It's not a dream, he'll whisper in her ear,
And the walls will shatter at the sight,
The floors will melt and they will sink
Never stopping to take anything in,
Slowly inserting the memories in the safe,
Hands trembling and chest caving inward.
We will absorb into our own denials,
And she will see how I feel for only a second,
This is never going to happen,
But she told us it's already over,
So we are left to decide,
Smear the remaining flesh on the damp concrete

"Factured:Mind" Chapters Five and Six

CHAPTER Five: The Bodies Fell Like Raindrops

I Need You To Understand

 In the bathroom again,
This time, alone.
The razor is in my hand,
Stop me. Stop me. Stop me.

It's the pain, don't you understand?
The pleasure you receive from self inflicted pain is,
is incredible, is mind bending, is intoxicating,
But your pain, if I could I'd drink it like wine.
I'm out of control again, six count them six,

Okay, it's not that bad, but have you ever tasted blood?
Have you ever cut the inside of your mouth,

It bled, right?
Didn't it take you to a new level?
I crave that taste, that sensation,
that pleasure, that euphoria,
that satisfaction, the quieting of the screaming inside,

Stop knocking at the door, please?
I'm almost done, okay, okay, I'm coming.
The door stays locked, what do you want?
I'm already gone, and this feeling, do you understand the

The way you feel when you loose

Lots of it, you feel weightless,
Please, stop yelling, I'm getting a little dizzy,
I'll be there in a minute,
The knocking stopped, now there is crying,
Begging, pleading, crying.
I slide the razor under the door,
The door stays locked,

Apologizing, followed by more knocking.
Because she doesn't understand the need to..
Bleeding is an art-form,
A way off....
Patching my wounds I find fresh skin.
The voice on the other side of the door gets
Replaced by slamming fists,
Screams of anger, frustration, fear, love.

Still a little hazy here,
I need you to understand,
To fully grasp my point of view,
To understand who I am,

And What I Feel:
This was never about pleasure,
It's about enlightenment,
To unlock your mind,
To free yourself from yourself,
To understand reality, all of it.
The blood is a symbol.
One through seven begins to bleed nicely,
The six razors in my pocket cry to me,
I pull each out and make a new incision,
Patching, calming, and relaxing.
The door has stopped.
Given up.
Gone home.
The door stays locked.
This is my sanctuary,
My place of solace and rebirth,
I close my eyes briefly before I hear a bang at the door.
She screams for me to cut up on my wrists
That is "if" I want to die,
What a great idea
The ultimate understanding of life
All the answers revealed
Prove everything/everyone wrong/right,
I would know everything.
I pick up a razor out of the sink,
Sit on the bathtub, filled with steaming water,
The swipe was too deep,
I wen...up..
...I'm diz...need to brea...

I hear "Please, I love you"

Then nothing.

Now: I wait.
It's done.

Lonely Love

With the hands of her loved ones in jars she could rest,
their eyes dangling from the ceiling watching her as she drifted off into dream land.
Smearing the internal organs on the bedsheets as a turn down service, a "good morning, Dear"
She hugs her self with razor blades, eyes closed and smiling.

They are all here to watch me, protect me, and love me
The eyes watch from the ceiling, the heads lay hollow in pillow cases on the bed.
Every moment: decay and stench rising
She drifts off into sleep easily, the arm of her lover holding her tight
Severed with bloodstains fresh the fingers grip her skin

All these men, they were looking for love too.
She told them she'd sell them love, they couldn't resist.
She just wanted to be cared about, so void of emotion,
She wanted the flesh, the blood, the souls of love to fill her to the brim.
They followed in happily, ready to accept their end of the bargain.

Gracefully the teeth of a chainsaw bit through their bones,
In slow motion their blood painted the walls,
She bathed herself in their love, digging deeper into his stomach,
Their hearts, the one thing she desired, was devoured with ravenous hunger.

Beads of steaming water slammed her body,
She reached softly and touched the torsos in the tub,
Washing her face in the sink full of teeth,
She wraps in a satin gown as her mind grows hazy.

This melting reality becomes heavy,
The carpet is sticky with blood,
It's hard to moves with these walls closing in,
Visions of light flood her mind, comatose purgatory.

In the kitchen she wakes on the floor,
Still searching for that true love, she's so lost.
A knock at the door brightens her eyes,
Another man searching for love,
One smile, one gesture, and he's found the girl he'd spend the rest of his life with.

He didn't love me.
He wanted to leave,
he was scared of me,
scared of my love.

His arms will hold her tightly into the night,
His mouth will whisper sweet nothings as she sleeps,
His lips will kiss her neck,
His feet will play with hers,
She'll sleep tonight bathed in his blood.

Social Stains

Sitting in the back of the bus, I try my best to bury my face and mind
In this book, I hide from this reality which I'm
Subjected to.
The smell of piss and body odor fill this
Corroding cabin full of the bottom-feeders
In search of something to suck or fuck
or smoke or steal
to find one another under freeway bridges,
Inside restaurant bathrooms,
By the bus stops,
Reeking of alcohol and shit,
Slurring and stumbling into
the darkness.
Moving towards the nearest
Handout to feed your mind with
Toxic chemicals to help you forget
Just how bad you have stained society
I search for the sympathy
In knowing these were once functioning,
Working class people with lives,
Houses, cars, families,
Now with nothing more than a Wal-Mart bag,
Rags for clothes, and a beard stained with regret.
Stop Requested: to go and get high,
to buy a person's company,
gain that small amount of money,
feed your children,
hide in the shadows.
People without names gather round the sign polls,
Change and plan in hand,

Shaking in the cold and scratching,
Lifting that bag to your mouth,
Flipping off cars as they pass.
Waiting for the Forsaken Express,
To gather up all the sob stories
All the depression
All the forgotten
The lost
The lonely
The Damned.
They wait and wait,
To step up into that disgusting
Florescent light flooding the trash filled isles,
Bathing you in your fears.
I sit in the back to observe,
To read and escape,
To wonder if I'm just like these people,
To search for hope.

I sit in the back of the bus,
Where I can see everything.

The Stage Is Set

The curtains open,
I sit alone in the back row,
watching them devour each others soul.

Wings plucked from the deserving Angel,
Given to the manipulative Demon,
The light burns bright, yet all I see is darkness.

Unnoticed yet beloved,
Knowing not what lies beneath the beautiful skin,
Tear the nails out of the martyr's hands,
Taste the blood, sweet and bitter,

Anger and fear build up,
The levees break, the towns flood,
Frustration and panic is wide spread,

I stare intently at the stage,
Eyes focused on the main Actor.
As he shouts

"Give Me My Wings!"

A tear streams down my face,
I stand and applaud,
The rest of the audience turns to face me,
Anger and hatred fill their accusing eyes,
I drop to my knees and throw my hands on my face,

Hysterical, they point and laugh,
I look up, tears pouring out of my eyes,
to an empty amphitheater,

The curtains close slowly,
music softly plays, filling my senses with sadness,
I stand up, and walk out into the rain.

Chapter Six: We Have Become

The Meaning of Existance

Pulling these needles from my fingers,
I pause for a moment,
Enjoying the ecstasy through the pain,
I am a body frozen in time,
A scene skipped over in the film,
The credit no one sees,
Existing in the moments that were never lived,
Connecting the hidden pieces in our minds,
Scattering the results to diminish the flames.

Her Blood:My Lips

This bleeding never seems to disperse,
The warmth aiding the overall effect,
Porcelain turning the brightest shade of red,
No one mourns this lifeless body,
Forgotten and decomposed in this crypt,
Reflections of the departed in the fragments,
Stained tile holds the tale never told,
The pain unlocked the answer,
Release the fluid to reach the gate,
Spilling out into the still water,
Clinging to the walls as they weep,
The essence never leaves here,
Forever haunting inside the florescence,
Stitched together as if it never transpired,
Wiped clean from the surface,
Buried in the memories,
The name was on the tips of their tongues,
Silenced by the tragedy,
Immortality lies inside their minds.


We've become stains on the social fabrication,
The facade lifted for what it wasn't,
Falsely accused, we all hung for their crimes.

The Decay

Deep within the prism,
Where the falsely titled colors roam,
I am left in the withering decomposition,
All I see is the decay.
The sense of fear is preset,
Those who are blind see the most in here,
Struggling to escape the sounds.
Deep within the reflection,
Where the falsely labeled images remain,
I am left in the flourishing spoilage,
All I see is the decay.
The sense of calm is obsolete,
Those who are deaf heard them the loudest.
Electrical current runs through my body,
Lifeless and hollow eyed,
Growing inside the idea,
All I see is the decay.
With enough given time,
I become the decay.

Silence Spread Through City Streets

Glossolalia within the binary,
We called this life.
With removed eyelids,
Pupils seem so hollow.
Mesmerized by the shining lights,
Our voices die out.

Untitled # 1

I want what I
Need what I
Want what I
Can't have.


Her blood on my lips flows in throughout me,
I extinguish the thoughts of forgotteness,
Reaching past the inevitable silence for a sound,
A brief reminder that I no longer live in that world,
Cleansed by the filthy decay I'm wrapped in,
Preserving my untimely departure,

You'll learn to forgive these indiscretions,
Passing them into the needle,
Softly I laid my lifeless skin upon hers,
The colors bled into her stomach; creation of life.

Untitled # 2

Spread the epidemic over seas,
Mass pollution of your planet,
A plague upon your species,
Failing in the wind we breath,
I stuck in this distance overlooked,
Passing the beauty aside,
She'll never come back.

Blood  Stained Scripture

The thoughts of the divine have blinded those who follow,
Leaving bad tastes in the mouths of those who speak out,
Branded as an antichrist, I fit the role perfectly.
"If it wasn't in the scriptures, it mustn't be true"
Allegations of enlightenment thrown by manipulations of falsities,
The saddest result is the blood spilled on the "holy" ground,
Never truly reaching your destination you'll wonder eternity,
These false prophets lead you away from intellectualism,
Branding you with guilt, shame, and fear.
Indeed, their blood is worthy of being spilled,
In a world where the answers are in nature we look to the sky,
Begging to float into the clouds in a childish dream.
One day the eyes and minds of the masses will open,
And out will depart truth, reason, and understanding.